Sunday, February 14, 2010

Islam and the War in Israel

Ernst brought up the idea which was so widely advertised through the media that very few people have brain and bravery to question it today. The idea of associating Islam with terrorism. Nevertheless, as people in general tend to fall into extremes and not-so-flexible views, those activists who justify Islam and Muslims today, found another 'enemy' to switch the blame onto, namely the Jews from Israel. I know many Jews who had to move out from Israel because of the worsening of social-political situation there. Some of them served in the army while were there. Because they were so close face to face with the 'enemy', meaning being scared on a daily bases of being killed at any time, they have a very particular attitude towards Arabs in general. Now, those activists who are trying to present Arabs through the media as 'innocent people', are really putting Israelian Jews in unwelcoming position.

My point is that justifying one 'nation' for the price of the other is useless effort. In other words justifying Muslims while blaming Jews in this particular example is not better than calling all Arabs terrorists. People in general rather than looking at a situation as the whole, have tendency to divide and separate, so there is always someone to blame. That kind of attitude never helps to resolve a conflict. It is unfortunate that uncontrollable anger leads to such disasters.

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